Build the workplace that everyone is talking about

Say goodbye to traditional review cycles. Providing a platform for the right conversations at the right time means you’ll not only attract the best talent, but provide them with fulfilling careers too.

Replace outdated review cycles with regular catch-ups

Use custom analytics to make better informed decisions

Create a culture of progression, feedback and individual development

Your data is in safe hands. Privacy policy


From career progress to wellbeing, show you care about your people.

Traditional review and appraisal risks missing out on key insights by not giving employees a voice when they need it. Korero facilitates more relevant conversations, tailored to each individuals career journey.

Empower individuals to drive their own progress

Enable ongoing, collaborative catch ups

No more box ticking, tailor conversations that really matter.

Know what your people are thinking, when they think it.

If you’re talking to your employees every 6-12 months, you’re missing key insight that can make a difference to the workplace, right now. Korero delivers bespoke, real-time analytics empowering you to make informed decisions, spot trends and develop a culture where people develop and thrive.

Create bespoke reporting that works for your business

Understand how people are performing and their potential within the organisation

Use analytics to inform your people strategy

Listened to. Empowered. Trusted. Why work anywhere else?

Facilitating fulfilling career journeys, driven by employees and built around shared values creates workplaces where everyone feels involved and able to contribute. When the connection is this good, the best talent wants to work for you, and stay working for you.

Help to embed company purpose, values and behaviours

Create a culture of openness and transparency

Build a workplace where people are enabled to progress


Engage with your workforce along every step of their career journey

Manage on-boarding for every individual and personality

On the spot feedback on feelings and opinions

Get prompted to respond at the right time for your business

View company wide opinion on change

Build custom flows specific to your business and its people


Real time data and reports enable you to make decisions based on the ‘right now.’

Succession and talent planning

Performance insight

Learning analysis

Risk of leaving

Idea capture and more


Measure goals, KPI's or objectives in a simple and smart way


Ongoing career conversations, when they are needed

Manager dashboard

Everything you need to manage your team, on one handy dashboard


Work together with employees on a live development plan

We’re working with forward thinking organisations on their journey to revolutionise workplace culture. Sound like you?

Korero is helping to build dynamic workplaces, buzzing with the best talent.
We’re enabling fulfilling careers, driven by empowered decision makers and engaged employees.

A joined up approach to your HR tech stack

We’re here to help you create the perfect environment for your talent to perform. That means partnering with best-in-class platforms and integrating Korero seamlessly within established systems, with no disruption.

Push messaging through your existing comms platform

Use employee data from your existing solutions

Single sign in across your existing systems


Check in on the health of any aspect of your business, today.

Anonymous surveys give your people the freedom to speak their mind

Get real insight into which areas of the employee experience to address

Get started right away with our simple stand alone surveys

Our survey technology is perfect for organisations looking for an instant health check on their employee experience. Get valuable insights into how your people feel, and the areas where you can make the biggest difference.

Meet our founders

We partner with organisations who want to be the best places to work. Together we've been supporting great workplace cultures for over 20 years, Korero fulfils our purpose to facilitate better conversations, better careers and better lives through our expertise and technology. Most importantly, we love what we do and build great relationships.

Jo Harley

Sean McSweeney

Steve Kennaird

Workplace culture experts

When you invest in Korero, you’re not just buying a piece of software. You’re partnering with a team that want to see your business, and the people that work there, succeed. That’s why when your talk to us you talk directly to one of the founding team, with the opportunity to tap into our knowledge to get the best solution for your individual business.